Thursday, September 3, 2009

About Article Communication of New Age

Regarding communication skill refering to the article as given by Dr. Jusang for an second assingment.

This article explain about discussed regarding communication method that has been used from difference generation at workplace, difference era and been used on many companies for a best communications among employees. There has difference era likes veteran generation, baby boomers, generation X and generation Y which practices difference communications between their era.

On era veteran generation, the communications was been made with controlled and cascaded through the ranks of communications. The generations of baby boomers communication was led by employers and more effective company and increased importance in communicating shared company vision and values. For generation X, they were demanded better working arrangements despites they also realize communication through organization vision and values was importance. Generation Y needs active involvement of they will quickly lose interest, realizing that younger generations require entertainning and engaging in a diffrent way.

Their communication have good improvements that been made from generation to another generation. The baby boomers, generation X and veteran generation they would like to give an instruction to anyone. The relationship between employee and employer will be easier but the first to spot communication changes that are demanded by the university graduates. They are trying to attract, so segmentation takes place here as well. For the generation Y, the communication through new technology which been adopted on their working environment make the workforce become easier and faster. To made the jobs become faster they used and email to distribute the works with straight forward and make the works become faster and efficiency.

As conclusion about the article, that has several evolution on communicating system that bring a new era to next era how to make workforce become easier and faster without any confusing.